eytang8@yahoo.com What are you doing for the analysis of photos?
sixftgc a sentence
sixftgc you?
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm gonna try mentioning my grouping
eytang8@yahoo.com and say why it's important
sixftgc I have a sentence as the start of each theme
sixftgc and then a sentence for each picture
sixftgc you?
sixftgc answer
eytang8@yahoo.com probably gonna divide it based on themes
eytang8@yahoo.com with 1-3 pictures per theme
eytang8@yahoo.com and then talk about the pictures individually
sixftgc you have to have a topic sentence
sixftgc or paragraph
sixftgc idk
eytang8@yahoo.com I wrote my thesis
sixftgc yeah
sixftgc in addition
sixftgc to the thesis
eytang8@yahoo.com In addition to the thesis AND groupings AND analysis?
sixftgc yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com Can't I just make the theme my topic sentence?
sixftgc o
sixftgc I have a theme
sixftgc and then a topic setence about it
eytang8@yahoo.com So like a word or two for the theme
eytang8@yahoo.com and then a sentence
sixftgc picture
sixftgc description
sixftgc is what I did
sixftgc screw it
sixftgc I'm printing what I have
sixftgc and going to bed
eytang8@yahoo.com 'kay
eytang8@yahoo.com how many have you done?
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah, Estell we 'bout to get down
sixftgc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpldChvYY8A
eytang8@yahoo.com I like the sepia
sixftgc yeah
sixftgc listen to mf doom
eytang8@yahoo.com maybe
sixftgc lol
sixftgc tang
sixftgc wanna play risk tomorrow
eytang8@yahoo.com Sure
eytang8@yahoo.com Carter already asked
sixftgc lol